Pragmatic Functional Programming in Python - Part 4: Monads

Ā· 1620 words Ā· 8 minute read

“Some weird (pretty) green swamp thing”

It’s about time šŸ”—

In the previous posts in the series, we worked up to talking about Mondas by first discussing the idea of Functors and Applicatives, which I said were pre-requisite to properly understanding Monads. We’re finally ready then to talk about Monads, unfortunately it may be a little anti-climactic because, as you might have guessed, you’ve been looking at a Monad all along. Throughout the series, we’ve been looking at Either and how it could be used in exception handling. Initially, I told you that Either was a Functor because if defined a map method, and then that it was an Applicative because it defined an amap method - as it turns out, it’s also a Monad.

To me, this is why Monads can be so confusing. In FP, we talk about Monads like Either, but we usually neglect to mention that these Monads are also Functors and Applicatives. For me, that always made it difficult to concretely define the behaviour of a Monad. Because we always talk about these structures as Monads rather than as Functors or Applicatives, we usually talk about Monadic values and Monadic functions as well, so we say that values wrapped in a Monad are Monadic values and that functions taking non-Monadic values and returning a Monadic value are Monadic functions. Itā€™s worth noting however that not all Monads are Functors or Applicatives; if you look at the Writer Monad implementation in PyMonad, for example, it defines a map and a bind method, but not an amap method, so itā€™s not an Applicative.

Wait…what’s bind? šŸ”—

Just like Functors and Applicatives, the special thing about a Monad is a method it defines called bind (sometimes it’s referred to as Monad bind). The type signature for a generic bind method might look something like this:

def bind(self: "Monad[T]", function: Callable[[T], "Monad[U]"]) -> "Monad[U]": ...

From the type signature you can see that bind is almost identical to map except for the fact that the function passed to bind returns a Monadic value, whereas the function passed to map returns a non-Monadic value. Where is bind useful? Well, it’s useful in any situation where we’re composing Monadic functions, for example, a chain of functions, each of which accounts for various exceptions by returning an instance of the Either Monad. We can see bind in action with a slightly altered version of the Monadic divide function we defined in a previous post:

from pymonad.either import Either, Left, Right
from import curry

def divide(b: float, a: float) -> Either[ZeroDivisionError, float]:
    return Left(ZeroDivisionError) if b == 0 else Right(a / b)

divide_by_three = divide(3.0)
double = lambda x: 2 * x

result = (
    divide(1.0, 2.0)

# Result: 1.3
    lambda left: print(left.__name__),
    lambda right: print(f"Result: {round(right, 1)}")

Note that if we’d used a call to map instead of bind, the code would still have worked; the difference is that bind returns Right(...) whilst map returns Right(Right(...)), so in this sense, bind accounts for the use of a Monadic function by unpacking one level of wrapping for us. In languages like Scala, the equivalent of bind is implemented in a method called flatMap which hints at this flattening behaviour a bit more explicitly.

As with Functors and Applicatives, hopefully you can see that Monads arenā€™t really that scary when you dig into what they actually do. Hopefully, you also have a much clearer idea of how we use Monads (and Functors and Applicatives), to compose functions and escape some of the usual trappings of impurity, especially where exceptions are concerned. Obviously, the examples weā€™ve used have been contrived, but they demonstrate the traditional means by which to build functionality through the composition of pure functions using map, amap and bind. Ultimately, if you understand how those methods work, then you can apply that understanding to lots of other Functors, Applicatives and Monads, even if their inner workings are slightly different.

The I/O Monad šŸ”—

Iā€™d be remiss if I wrote a blog about Monads and neglected to mention the I/O Monad since, for better or for worse (probably worse), thereā€™s a good chance itā€™ll be the first Monad you come across when you start delving into FP.

I’ve implied throughout this series that the Either Monad is a sensible choice for an I/O operation that might raise an exception, but if I were programming in Haskell (or maybe F# or Scala or some other highly functional language), then Iā€™d probably be told I should be using the I/O Monad. I also mentioned back here that we were being a bit sketchy when we just printed straight to the console when we called the either method. Again, in functional languages, the I/O Monad would be our go-to here. We already know how Monads like Either work and that, broadly, all Monads implement similar behaviours, so how does the I/O Monad work?

IO in PyMonad has all the methods weā€™d expect to make it a Functor, an Applicative and a Monad, namely map, amap and bind. The way IO works is that it wraps the functionality that performs I/O and delays its execution until we call the Monadā€™s run method. A lot of times, the I/O Monad is described as containing the instructions to perform I/O, without actually performing it. How would we use IO in a Python program?

import os

from import IO, _IO

def get_env(var: str) -> _IO[str]:
    return IO(lambda: os.environ[var])

def put_str_ln(line: str) -> _IO[None]:
    return IO(lambda: print(line))

os.environ["LINE"] = "An example of using the I/O Monad."
result = get_env("LINE").bind(put_str_ln)

# < object at 0x10ac7f190>

# This is an example of using the I/O Monad in Python.

We can see that without calling run we just return an instance of _IO and the wrapped code is never actually executed. Notice in this example that Iā€™ve used functions like get_env and put_str_ln in the composition chain which both return an instance of _IO, why is that? The reason is that if we included something like the divide function from earlier which returns an instance of the Either Monad, then the I/O Monadā€™s bind method wouldnā€™t know how to handle the fact that divide returns Either and not _IO. We can see this explicitly if we look at the type signature of the _IO classā€™s bind method in the PyMonad source code:

def bind(self: "_IO[T]", function: Callable[[T], "_IO[U]]") -> "_IO[U]": ...

In languages like Haskell and Scala, the solution to this kind of problem would be to use something called a Monad transformer which allows us to stack the behaviour of different Monads and use them as though they were one. Unfortunately, PyMonad doesnā€™t support this feature, and this is one of the reasons I didnā€™t bother using IO previously. I also donā€™t particularly like the implementation in that IO is a function which returns an instance of the private (in the Python sense) _IO class that weā€™re not really supposed to use (though it’s nice that we can still sub-type it if we really want to). In addition, notice that if there was an error in get_env, then our code does nothing to handle it and our program would still blow up. This is another example of why the ability to use a Monad transformer is useful if weā€™re going to start using things like IO, since we could combine the functionality of IO with something like Either or Maybe.

Is there a downside to not using the I/O Monad? šŸ”—

Itā€™s worth pointing out that the I/O Monad doesnā€™t somehow magically make our code pure (though there are plenty of arguments to the contrary). The reasoning from people who argue that the I/O Monad does make a function pure is usually along the lines that since it delays the execution of the internal function it wraps, itā€™s referentially transparent and itself doesnā€™t actually produce side-effects ā€“ every time we call the function, we always return an instance of _IO. Personally, even if that reasoning is technically correct, it feels a bit esoteric. Is my function really pure just because I stop it executing for a while? Regardless of how you skin the cat, youā€™ll ultimately call the run method and the instructions that were taken directly from your ā€œpureā€ function will cause an impure action to occur. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then itā€™s probably a duck.

All the I/O Monad appearing in the type signature of a function should tell us is that the function is definitely impure or it wouldnā€™t need to use the I/O Monad in the first place (thereā€™s supposedly a quote to this effect from Martin Odersky, the creator of Scala, but I couldnā€™t find it). For me, this is the main benefit of using IO over something like Either since, as we saw, Either can be used for more than just I/O related actions. Given the downsides (at least in Python), however, it doesnā€™t seem worth the trade off when building real-world functionality.

If we really want to make it obvious from a functionā€™s type signature that the function performs I/O whilst still being able to manage exceptions with Either then, as suggested in Functional Programming, Simplified, we can define a type alias instead:

import os
from typing import TypeAlias

from pymonad.either import Either, Left, Right

StringIO: TypeAlias = Either[KeyError, str]

def get_env(var: str) -> StringIO:
        return Right(os.environ[var])
    except KeyError as e:
        return Left(e)

In this way we achieve a few things:

  • Weā€™re able to handle and maintain information about an exception
  • We make it clear in the type signature that the function is impure, and
  • Weā€™re able to more easily carry out function composition